(Rudra-yāmala is mentioned in a manuscript of the Brahma-yāmala dated 1052 A.D.)
सरयूतीरपूतानां जन्मभूम्याः विलोकिनाम्।
दर्शनात् पातकं तेषां कल्पकोटिशतायुतान्।।35।।
All sins of those persons, who after being purified on the Sarayū’s bank visit the Janma-bhūmi, are effaced, by its mere glimpse, for hundreds, thousands and crores of kalpas.
राममन्दरमासाद्य दर्शनं क्रियते नरै।
मनसापि स्मृतं येन मुच्यते चरणत्रयात्।।36।।
Having reached the temple of Rāma men, who have his darśana (glimpse) or even his remembrance, are liberated from the charana-trayam i.e. birth, life and death.
दर्शनं जन्मभूमेश्च स्मरणं रामनामतः।
मज्जनं सरयूतीरे कृतं वै पापनाशनम्।।37।।
By a darśana of the Janma-bhūmi or remembrance of the Rāma-nāma or bathing in the Sarayū river all sins are destroyed.
अयोध्यानगरं पुण्यं स्मृतं वै पापनाशनम्।
धान्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं पुण्यं पापहरं फलम्।।37।।
He, who remembers the sacred city of Ayodhyā, is blessed with wealth, reputation, long life, virtues and destruction of sins.
(Quoted from the twelfth chapter of the Ayodhyā-māhātmya manuscript of the Rudra-yāmala, dated 1801 A.D. and preserved in the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune)