Thomas Herbert was a traveller of much celebrity. His book “Some Yeares Travels into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique” was first published in 1634 and then a revised edition in 1638. The following image is from the book printed in 1638 A.D.:
Now presented in modern Roman script:
“At this Oudee or Oujea (a citty in Bengala & felicitated by Ganges) are many Antick Monuments, especially memorable is the pretty old castle Ranichand built by a Bannyan Pagod of that name about 994500 yeares ago after their accompt, from which to this the Bannyans have repayred to offer here and to wash away their sinnes in Ganges, each of which is recorded by name by the laborious Bramyns who acquaintes this Pagod with their good progressions and charitable offerings.” (p. 92) (emphasis added)
Another image from the book:
Now presented in modern Roman script:
“Ducerat, who begat Ram, a King so famous for piety and high attempts, that to this day his name is exceedingly honoured, so that when they say Ram Rame, 'tis as if they should say, all good betide you”. (p. 47)